Steve's Blog

Weird ice cubes?!

This is a tad weird which has made me wonder how the hell this happened. I got some ice cubes out of the freezer that I made a few days ago, and theres these inch long spikes of ice coming out of the cube. Pics of the ice tray. Now this is interesting, as there was nothing on top of the ice trays and they were placed on the top shelf of the freezer. If someone has any ideas on how these were created, I’d love to hear it :)

Update: I found a really good article on this here.

DAPS/SID/STAR chart for Australia

I’ve been getting into Xplane and VATSIM pretty heavily lately - and I’ve been working of the real procedures from Airservices Australia. These are great, however there are a lot of waypoints missing from Xplanes database. Airservices also have 1606 PDF files (one page per file) of all the DAPS information for Australia.

After talking this through with Airservices, I have been given permission to alter these and redistribute to people using VATSIM. What I have been working on is to gather all DAPS related to one airport, then combine them into a single PDF file. This takes the number of PDFs for the average sim pilot to hunt through from 1606 to around 370 - and you only need one for the airports you use.

More news on this to come as I complete this work (already taken the best part of 3 days!). I have also submitted the missing procedure waypoints to Austin to see if he can add them into an update to Xplane.

Apple SuperDrive tests by Apple

If you haven’t been following the SuperDrive Petition then you might have missed that Apple have taken in my 12” Powerbook for testing. Apple Sydney sent 2 DVD discs down to my AppleStore that I’ve been dealing with on this to test if the drive is indeed faulty. I thought I’d expand this test and also provided 4 blank DVDs to test. The results are very interesting:

  • Ritek 8x DVD-R. Available Speeds: 1x, 2x. 26 mins to burn 4Gb.
  • Princo 4x DVD-R. Available Speeds: 1x, 2x. 29 mins to burn 4Gb
  • Yoshi 8x DVD+R. Available Speeds: 2x. 25 mins to burn 4Gb
  • Datacell 4x DVD-R. Available Speeds: 1x, 2x. 29 mins to burn 4Gb
  • Apple 8x DVD-R. Available Speeds: 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x. 12 mins to burn 4Gb
  • TDK 16x DVD-R. Available SPeeds: 1x, 2x. 29 mins to burn 4Gb

In summary, only ONE of the discs worked as expected (Apple supplied the last two). These results have been sent to Apple, and I’m awaiting their reply with great interest.

Xplane v8.21

A while ago, I picked up a copy of Xplane while there was a sale going on - as I’d played it a bit at Tims and thought it was worthy of purchase.

I installed it on my Intel PC here, and soon after, version 8.21 came along for a $29USD upgrade. The interesting thing is that version 8.21 comes on NINE DVDs and installs to a whopping 60Gb! Is it worth it? Hell yes.

The flight model is second to none, the graphics have improved heaps in the last version - as can be seen by these screenshots.

Couple that with XSquawkbox and VATSIM and you can play online with proper air traffic control - using voice!. I have to say that it’s the most realistic thing I have ever come across without actually being in a real cockpit.