Steve's Blog

Vandals beware, bug spray keeps you away!

This one comes from the weird department. I was just leaving for work the other day when I notice that some punk had spray painted crud on both mine and my next door neighbours garage doors.

I won’t post any pictures of it, but it’s not the kind of look that I want for my house!

Anyway, we were looking up things that remove spray paint - and the proper stuff is damn expensive - when someone suggested using fly spray. Now I was interested by this - but as it turns out, fly spray removes spray paint.

Now the tools for this job are quite specific, as using the wrong type of cloth will just spread the paint around. We found that a ‘Chux’ type cloth (the ones that are thin with lots of holes) work very well - whereas the normal cloths just spread stuff around. The Chux cloths also rinse clean in warm water - so you can actually remove the paint.

This just has to be filed in the ‘who-would-have-thought’ file.

Orinoco Autopsy

I’ve had this Orinoco 802.11b PCMCIA card lying around here for a while. It died when upgrading the firmware on it in a Mac when the card was removed too soon. So, I decided to do what all good geeks do when something dies. You rip it apart.

Sweet Justice

Melrose Drive , Tullamarine , Victoria . January 16th 2006 : 14.35 hours

Highway patrol pulls over a Workcover Inspector for doing 68 in a 60 zone. Workcover Inspector says nothing and cops the $120 fine sweet. Policeman finishes writing ticket and proceeds back to his car. Workcover Inspector in the mean time, gets digital camera out of bag, photographs the cop and proceeds to the police car where he issues the Policeman with an $800.00 fine for not wearing his hi-visibility vest when leaving his vehicle in a high traffic area.

It just doesn’t get any sweeter than that.

The single guys fridge

I was putting my shopping away today, and I just had to laugh at the contents of my fridge afterwards. From looking at the contents, it’s just typical that I’m single. To the left is a quick photo of the contents. I don’t know if I should be proud of it or not :)

This makes me wonder… what’s in the fridges of other single guys out there? I’m sure some people have worse things in their fridge.

See, the guys who have chicks - they usually have some things of nutritional value in the fridge - but for the single guys who live of burgers, steak and pizza - then there’s not much else to put in a fridge apart from what you see here.

Oh - and we all know that the beer goes at the bottom of the fridge - because that’s where the coldest air is. Coke and cheese just don’t deserve that. And the lettice got thrown out shortly after this picture.

The Producers

I went to the movies on Friday with a girlie I met not that long ago. We went to see The Producers by Mel Brooks. I have to say, it’s one of the best movies that I have seen in a long, long time.

I haven’t seen the original version (before the movie became a play that became a movie), but I’m keeping an eye out for it at the DVD store! This was the first movie in a long time that made me laugh out loud (literally!) while watching. A great watch - if you can, go see it!