Steve's Blog

Google Ads - are they worth it?

After having the Google Adsense scheme on this site for a couple of months now, I really have to ask myself - is it worth it. After looking at the stats of the site, I have displayed over 10,000 ads to people visiting, and earned about $25USD from 83 clicks.

That works out to be a less than 1% success rate for advertisers.

This also means that I don’t get enough out of it to even cover my expenses in putting up this web site!

I’ve decided to try something different. You will now notice a PayPal donate icon on the sidebar. If you find something useful on my site, feel free to send something through - anything. This will help me offset costs to keep this (and other) sites running.

Replacement ROM for Dopod 838 Pro

So after quite a while of hacking Windows Mobile 6 for the Dopod 838 Pro (aka HTC Hermes), I have hacked together a replacement firmware for the phone. There are a number of improvements in this ROM from the stock HTC Dopod 838 Pro firmware. I’ve put this all on a single page that will be updated as I continue with this project.

Visit the page

Website goes mobile friendly!

After a bit of mucking around, I’ve finally got the website to load properly in mobile devices. This means that if you now access my site using a PDA or mobile phone with a web browser, you get a very stripped down version of the site. Of course, if you’re using a standard PC, you won’t notice any change, but mobile users will see the site load in about 3Kb of data.

Great visual landing to runway 34 at YMML

I was recently on a flight coming back from Brisbane to Melbourne when we had to hold about 80 miles to the north-west of Melbourne due to weather. The approach was very rough due to large gusts of wind across the approach, and also as a headwind. This made things rather difficult, however the landing was just about perfect.

Here’s some video from the landing.