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pcrdef.h File Reference


#define PCRQST
Suffix for Radio Query.

#define PCRECMD
Suffix for execute command.

#define PCRINITM
Init, manual probe. More...

#define PCRINITA
Init, Auto probe. More...

#define PCRSIG
Signal Update (G3).

Program should poll status from radio (G300).

#define PCRSIGON
Radio sends status automagically when a change (G301).

Binary mode off (G302).

Binary mode on (G303).

#define PCRPWR
Power (H1).

Power radio down (H100).

#define PCRPWRON
Power radio up (H101).

#define PCRVOL
Volume prefix (J40).

#define PCRVOLON
Volume at 75 % (J4075).

Volume at MUTE (J4000).

#define PCRSQL
Squelch Prefix (J41).

#define PCRSQLO
Fully Open (J4100).

#define PCRSQLC
Closed squelch at 45% (J4145).

#define PCRIF
IF Shift Prefix (J43).

#define PCRIFC
IF Centered (J4380).

#define PCRAGC
Automatic Gain Control Prefix (J45).

AGC Off (J4500).

#define PCRAGCON
AGC On (J4501).

#define PCRNB
Noise Blanking Prefix (J46).

#define PCRNBOFF
Noise Blanking Off (J4600).

#define PCRNBON
Noise Blanking On (J4601).

#define PCRRFA
RF Attenuator Prefix.

RF Attenuator Off (J4700).

#define PCRRFAON
RF Attenuator On (J4701).

#define PCRVSC
VSC Prefix (J50).

VSC Off (J5000).

#define PCRVSCON
VSC On (J5001).

#define PCRTSQL
CTCSS - Tone Squelch Prefix (J51).

CTCSS - Tone Squelch Off (J5100).

#define PCRUNK01
#define PCRUNK02
#define PCRTFLTR
Tracking filter Prefix (LD082).

#define PCRTFLTR00
Automagic Tracking Filter (LD8200).

#define PCRTFLTR01
Manual Tracking Filter (LD8201).

#define PCRFRQ
Freq. Header (K0).

freq. len. 10 bytes (padded) <GMMMKKKHHH> (10).

#define LOWERFRQ
lower bounds for frequency 50 kHz (50000).

#define UPPERFRQ
upper bound for frequency 1.3 GHz (1300000000).

Lower sideband (00).

Upper sideband (01).

#define PCRMODAM
Amplitude Modulated (02).

#define PCRMODCW
Continuous Mode (03).

unknown mode -- (04).

Narrowband FM (05).

Wideband FM (06).

#define PCRFLTR3
3 kHz Filter (00).

#define PCRFLTR6
6 kHz Filter (01).

#define PCRFLTR15
15 kHz Filter (02).

#define PCRFLTR50
50 kHz Filter (03).

#define PCRFLTR230
230 kHz Filter (04).

#define PCRQSQL
Query Squelch Setting (I0).

#define PCRQRST
Query Signal Strength (I1).

#define PCRQOFST
Query Frequency Offset (I2).

#define PCRQDTMF
Query presense of DTMF Tone (I3).

Query Firmware revision (I4).

#define PCRQDSP
Query Presense of DSP (I5).

#define PCRQCTY
Query country / region (I6).

#define PCRAOK
Reply: Ok (G000).

#define PCRABAD
Reply: There was an error (G001).

#define PCRADSP

Not present (GD00).

Present (GD01).

#define PCRASQL
Squelch Header (PCRQSQL).

Sqlch Closed (04).

Sqlch Open (07).

#define PCRARST
Signal Strength (PCRQRST). More...

#define PCRAOFST
Frequency offset Header (PCRQOFST). More...

Frequency (offset) centered (I280).

#define PCRADTMF

DTMF Not Heard (I300).

#define PCRADTMF0
DTMF 0 (I310).

#define PCRADTMF1
DTMF 1 (I311).

#define PCRADTMF2
DTMF 2 (I312).

#define PCRADTMF3
DTMF 3 (I313).

#define PCRADTMF4
DTMF 4 (I314).

#define PCRADTMF5
DTMF 5 (I315).

#define PCRADTMF6
DTMF 6 (I315).

#define PCRADTMF7
DTMF 7 (I316).

#define PCRADTMF8
DTMF 8 (I318).

#define PCRADTMF9
DTMF 9 (I319).

DTMF A (I31A).

DTMF B (I31B).

DTMF C (I31C).

DTMF D (I31D).

DTMF * (I31E).

DTMF # (I31F).

#define PCRBD
Baud Rate Header (G1).

#define PCRBD300
300 baud (G100).

#define PCRBD1200
1200 baud (G101).

#define PCRBD2400
2400 baud (G102).

#define PCRBD9600
9600 baud (G103).

#define PCRBD19200
19200 baud (G104).

#define PCRBD38400
38400 baud (G105).

#define PCRSBSC
bandscope prefix SENT (ME00001).

#define PCRRBSC
bandscope prefix RECV (NE1).

#define PCRRBSC0
packet 0 (NE100).

#define PCRRBSC1
packet 1 (NE110).

#define PCRRBSC2
packet 2 (NE120).

#define PCRRBSC3
packet 3 (NE130).

#define PCRRBSC4
packet 4 (NE140).

#define PCRRBSC5
packet 5 (NE150).

#define PCRRBSC6
packet 6 (NE160).

#define PCRRBSC7
packet 7 (NE170).

#define PCRRBSC8
packet 8 (NE180).

#define PCRRBSC9
packet 9 (NE190).

#define PCRRBSCA
packet 10 (NE1A0).

#define PCRRBSCB
packet 11 (NE1B0).

#define PCRRBSCC
packet 12 (NE1C0).

#define PCRRBSCD
packet 13 (NE1D0).

#define PCRRBSCE
packet 14 (NE1E0).

#define PCRRBSCF
packet 15 (NE1F0).


typedef char pcrcmd_t
pcr1000 command string.

typedef unsigned long int pcrfreq_t
pcr1000 frequency length.

Define Documentation

#define PCRQST ()

Suffix for Radio Query.

Definition at line 35 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRECMD ()

Suffix for execute command.

Definition at line 37 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRINITM ()

Init, manual probe.

Warning: after issueing an init DO NOT read(). If you do, the read() will block and wont return. the radio doesn't return data after an initialization. You must close the socket, and reopen it. You wont have to reopen the socket with wierd opts, unless you reset the socket to the state as it was before .

See also:

Definition at line 49 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRINITA ()

Init, Auto probe.

Warning: after issueing an init DO NOT read(). If you do, the read() will block and wont return. the radio doesn't return data after an initialization. You must close the socket, and reopen it. You wont have to reopen the socket with wierd opts, unless you reset the socket to the state as it was before .

See also:

Definition at line 60 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRSIG ()

Signal Update (G3).

Definition at line 63 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRSIGOFF ()

Program should poll status from radio (G300).

Definition at line 65 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRSIGON ()

Radio sends status automagically when a change (G301).

Definition at line 67 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRSIGBOFF ()

Binary mode off (G302).

Definition at line 69 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRSIGBON ()

Binary mode on (G303).

Definition at line 71 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRPWR ()

Power (H1).

Definition at line 74 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRPWROFF ()

Power radio down (H100).

Definition at line 76 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRPWRON ()

Power radio up (H101).

Definition at line 78 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRVOL ()

Volume prefix (J40).

Definition at line 81 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRVOLON ()

Volume at 75 % (J4075).

Definition at line 83 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRVOLOFF ()

Volume at MUTE (J4000).

Definition at line 85 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRSQL ()

Squelch Prefix (J41).

Definition at line 88 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRSQLO ()

Fully Open (J4100).

Definition at line 90 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRSQLC ()

Closed squelch at 45% (J4145).

Definition at line 92 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRIF ()

IF Shift Prefix (J43).

Definition at line 95 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRIFC ()

IF Centered (J4380).

Definition at line 97 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRAGC ()

Automatic Gain Control Prefix (J45).

Definition at line 100 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRAGCOFF ()

AGC Off (J4500).

Definition at line 102 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRAGCON ()

AGC On (J4501).

Definition at line 104 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRNB ()

Noise Blanking Prefix (J46).

Definition at line 107 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRNBOFF ()

Noise Blanking Off (J4600).

Definition at line 109 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRNBON ()

Noise Blanking On (J4601).

Definition at line 111 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRFA ()

RF Attenuator Prefix.

Definition at line 114 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRFAOFF ()

RF Attenuator Off (J4700).

Definition at line 116 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRFAON ()

RF Attenuator On (J4701).

Definition at line 118 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRVSC ()

VSC Prefix (J50).

Definition at line 121 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRVSCOFF ()

VSC Off (J5000).

Definition at line 123 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRVSCON ()

VSC On (J5001).

Definition at line 125 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRTSQL ()

CTCSS - Tone Squelch Prefix (J51).

Definition at line 128 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRTSQLOFF ()

CTCSS - Tone Squelch Off (J5100).

Definition at line 130 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRUNK01 ()

Definition at line 132 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRUNK02 ()

Definition at line 133 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRTFLTR ()

Tracking filter Prefix (LD082).

Definition at line 136 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRTFLTR00 ()

Automagic Tracking Filter (LD8200).

Definition at line 138 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRTFLTR01 ()

Manual Tracking Filter (LD8201).

Definition at line 140 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRFRQ ()

Freq. Header (K0).

Definition at line 143 of file pcrdef.h.

#define MAXFRQLEN ()

freq. len. 10 bytes (padded) <GMMMKKKHHH> (10).

Definition at line 145 of file pcrdef.h.

#define LOWERFRQ ()

lower bounds for frequency 50 kHz (50000).

Definition at line 147 of file pcrdef.h.

#define UPPERFRQ ()

upper bound for frequency 1.3 GHz (1300000000).

Definition at line 149 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRMODLSB ()

Lower sideband (00).

Definition at line 152 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRMODUSB ()

Upper sideband (01).

Definition at line 154 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRMODAM ()

Amplitude Modulated (02).

Definition at line 156 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRMODCW ()

Continuous Mode (03).

Definition at line 158 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRMODUNK ()

unknown mode -- (04).

Definition at line 160 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRMODNFM ()

Narrowband FM (05).

Definition at line 162 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRMODWFM ()

Wideband FM (06).

Definition at line 164 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRFLTR3 ()

3 kHz Filter (00).

Definition at line 167 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRFLTR6 ()

6 kHz Filter (01).

Definition at line 169 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRFLTR15 ()

15 kHz Filter (02).

Definition at line 171 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRFLTR50 ()

50 kHz Filter (03).

Definition at line 173 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRFLTR230 ()

230 kHz Filter (04).

Definition at line 175 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRQSQL ()

Query Squelch Setting (I0).

Definition at line 179 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRQRST ()

Query Signal Strength (I1).

Definition at line 181 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRQOFST ()

Query Frequency Offset (I2).

Definition at line 183 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRQDTMF ()

Query presense of DTMF Tone (I3).

Definition at line 185 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRQWAREZ ()

Query Firmware revision (I4).

Definition at line 187 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRQDSP ()

Query Presense of DSP (I5).

Definition at line 189 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRQCTY ()

Query country / region (I6).

Definition at line 191 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRAOK ()

Reply: Ok (G000).

Definition at line 194 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRABAD ()

Reply: There was an error (G001).

Definition at line 196 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADSP ()


Definition at line 198 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADSPNO ()

Not present (GD00).

Definition at line 200 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADSPOK ()

Present (GD01).

Definition at line 202 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRASQL ()

Squelch Header (PCRQSQL).

Definition at line 204 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRASQLCL ()

Sqlch Closed (04).

Definition at line 206 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRASQLOPN ()

Sqlch Open (07).

Definition at line 208 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRARST ()

Signal Strength (PCRQRST).

note: You have this header plus 00-FF from weak to strong

Definition at line 212 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRAOFST ()

Frequency offset Header (PCRQOFST).

note: plus 00-7F from extreme (-) to near ctr OR plus 81-FF from near ctr to extreme (+)

Definition at line 216 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRAOFSTCTR ()

Frequency (offset) centered (I280).

Definition at line 218 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF ()


Definition at line 221 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMFNO ()

DTMF Not Heard (I300).

Definition at line 223 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF0 ()

DTMF 0 (I310).

Definition at line 225 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF1 ()

DTMF 1 (I311).

Definition at line 227 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF2 ()

DTMF 2 (I312).

Definition at line 229 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF3 ()

DTMF 3 (I313).

Definition at line 231 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF4 ()

DTMF 4 (I314).

Definition at line 233 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF5 ()

DTMF 5 (I315).

Definition at line 235 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF6 ()

DTMF 6 (I315).

Definition at line 237 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF7 ()

DTMF 7 (I316).

Definition at line 239 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF8 ()

DTMF 8 (I318).

Definition at line 241 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMF9 ()

DTMF 9 (I319).

Definition at line 243 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMFA ()

DTMF A (I31A).

Definition at line 245 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMFB ()

DTMF B (I31B).

Definition at line 247 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMFC ()

DTMF C (I31C).

Definition at line 249 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMFD ()

DTMF D (I31D).

Definition at line 251 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMFS ()

DTMF * (I31E).

Definition at line 253 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRADTMFP ()

DTMF # (I31F).

Definition at line 255 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRBD ()

Baud Rate Header (G1).

Definition at line 259 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRBD300 ()

300 baud (G100).

Definition at line 261 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRBD1200 ()

1200 baud (G101).

Definition at line 263 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRBD2400 ()

2400 baud (G102).

Definition at line 265 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRBD9600 ()

9600 baud (G103).

Definition at line 267 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRBD19200 ()

19200 baud (G104).

Definition at line 269 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRBD38400 ()

38400 baud (G105).

Definition at line 271 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRSBSC ()

bandscope prefix SENT (ME00001).

Definition at line 275 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC ()

bandscope prefix RECV (NE1).

Definition at line 277 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC0 ()

packet 0 (NE100).

Definition at line 279 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC1 ()

packet 1 (NE110).

Definition at line 281 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC2 ()

packet 2 (NE120).

Definition at line 283 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC3 ()

packet 3 (NE130).

Definition at line 285 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC4 ()

packet 4 (NE140).

Definition at line 287 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC5 ()

packet 5 (NE150).

Definition at line 289 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC6 ()

packet 6 (NE160).

Definition at line 291 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC7 ()

packet 7 (NE170).

Definition at line 293 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC8 ()

packet 8 (NE180).

Definition at line 295 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSC9 ()

packet 9 (NE190).

Definition at line 297 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSCA ()

packet 10 (NE1A0).

Definition at line 299 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSCB ()

packet 11 (NE1B0).

Definition at line 301 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSCC ()

packet 12 (NE1C0).

Definition at line 303 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSCD ()

packet 13 (NE1D0).

Definition at line 305 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSCE ()

packet 14 (NE1E0).

Definition at line 307 of file pcrdef.h.

#define PCRRBSCF ()

packet 15 (NE1F0).

Definition at line 309 of file pcrdef.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef char pcrcmd_t

pcr1000 command string.

Definition at line 30 of file pcrdef.h.

typedef unsigned long int pcrfreq_t

pcr1000 frequency length.

Definition at line 32 of file pcrdef.h.

Generated at Mon Jan 17 00:45:27 2000 for Icom PCR-1000 Library by doxygen 1.0.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-1999