// TBB: 60 seconds. If we take longer than 60 seconds to switch pages, assume the user // has started a new session on the site and autoresume is inappropriate. resumeTimeout = 60 * 1000; playerVersion = "4.8"; stop(); update._visible = false; /* Copyright (c) 2005, Fabricio Zuardi All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Revisions by Lacy Morrow "Resume play when following link" feature added by Thomas Boutell */ //DO NOT REMOVE THE FOLLOWING CODE// function playerLoad() { __com_mochibot__("e530e336", this, 10301); fillColor(); fillDefaults(); fillOther(); firstImage(); resizeUI(); } function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv) { var x, g, s, fv, sb, u, res, mb, mbc; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = "mochibot.com"; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb+swfid]) { return g[mb+swfid]; } s = System.security; x = mc._root['getSWFVersion']; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s['sandboxType']; if (sb == "localWithFile") { return null; } x = s['allowDomain']; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s['allowInsecureDomain']; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } u = "http://"+mbc+"/my/core.swf?mv=5&fv="+fv+"&v="+escape(getVersion())+"&swfid="+escape(swfid)+"&l="+lv+"&f="+mc+(sb ? "&sb="+sb : ""); lv = (fv>6) ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : g[mb+"level"] ? g[mb+"level"]+1 : lv; g[mb+"level"] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = "_level"+lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } } else { res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb+swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); } return res; } // function fillColor() { if (colour) { color = colour; } if (color.length == 6) { color = color.toUpperCase(); if (!alpha) { alpha = 10; } timeColor = new Color(time_mc.time_txt); settingsColor = new Color(settings_mc); buttonsColor = new Color(buttons_mc); playColor = new Color(play_mc); scrollbarColor = new Color(scrollbar_mc); playlistColor = new Color(playlist_mc); volumeColor = new Color(volume_mc); coverloadColor = new Color(cover_mc.load_bar_mc); txtColor = new Color(imageloadMC); coverbordColor = new Color(cover_mc.border_mc); trackColor = new Color(track_display_mc); bgColor = new Color(bg_mc); hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; red = "0x"+color.charAt(0)+color.charAt(1); grn = "0x"+color.charAt(2)+color.charAt(3); blu = "0x"+color.charAt(4)+color.charAt(5); var myColorTransform:Object = {ra:100, rb:red, ga:100, gb:grn, ba:100, bb:blu, aa:alpha, ab:50}; timeColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); settingsColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); scrollbarColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); playlistColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); txtColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); coverloadColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); coverbordColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); volumeColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); trackColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); bgColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); buttonsColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); playColor.setTransform(myColorTransform); } } //autoresume=true //autoplay=true //alphabetize=true //repeat_playlist = true; //playlist_size = 3; //player_title = "customizeable title test" //song_url = "http://downloads.betterpropaganda.com/music/Imperial_Teen-Ivanka_128.mp3"; //playlist_url = "http://webjay.org/by/hideout/moviequotes.xspf"; //playlist_url = "http://hideout.com.br/shows/radio-test.xspf"; //song_title = "Imperial Teen - Ivanka"; //info_url = "http://geekkid.net" //playlist_url= "http://hideout.com.br/tests/hideout2325.xspf" //constants http://webjay.org/by/hideout/allshows.xspf http://geekkid.net/jukebox/xplaylist.xml //playlists has priority over songs, if a playlist_url parameter is found the song_url is ignored //default playlist if none is passed through query string DEFAULT_WELCOME_MSG = "Jukebox Player"; //TBB local_data = null; function fillDefaults() { LOADING_PLAYLIST_MSG = "Loading..."; DEFAULT_LOADED_PLAYLIST_MSG = "Loaded - click to start"; DEFAULT_MAIN_URL = "http://geekkid.net"; DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_URL = "http://geekkid.net/jukebox/xplaylist.xml"; if (!playlist_url) { if (!song_url) { playlist_url = DEFAULT_PLAYLIST_URL; } else { single_music_playlist = ""; single_music_playlist += ""+song_url+""+song_title+""; single_music_playlist += ""; } } if (!mainurl) { mainurl = DEFAULT_MAIN_URL; } if (!load_message) { load_message = DEFAULT_LOADED_PLAYLIST_MSG; } if (repeat == 1 || repeat == "true" || repeat == true) { repeat = 1; settings_mc.repeat_btn.gotoAndStop(1); } else { repeat = 0; settings_mc.repeat_btn.gotoAndStop(2); } if (shuffle == 1 || shuffle == "true" || shuffle == true) { shuffle = 1; settings_mc.shuffle_btn.gotoAndStop(1); } else { shuffle = 0; settings_mc.shuffle_btn.gotoAndStop(2); } //TBB if (autoresume) { local_data = SharedObject.getLocal("xspf_player_data"); trace(local_data); local_data_good = true; if (!local_data.data.is_set) { local_data_good = false; } // One-minute limit for autoresume. Prevents autoresuming from occurring // when you come back to the site as part of an entirely separate // visit, which doesn't feel natural. Autoresume is meant as a way // to bridge clicks on links within the site. when = new Date(); now = when.getTime(); if (local_data_good) { trace("data good going into timeout check"); } if (now - local_data.data.stopped_at > resumeTimeout) { local_data_good = false; trace(now); trace(local_data.data.stopped_at); trace("old resume data age in msec: " + (now - local_data.data.stopped_at)); trace("resume data is old, assume new session"); } else { if (!playlist_url) { if (song_url != local_data.data.song_url) { local_data_good = false; } } else if (playlist_url != local_data.data.playlist_url) { local_data_good = false; } } if (local_data_good) { start_track = local_data.data.stop_track; start_time = local_data.data.stop_time; volume_level = local_data.data.volume_level; this.volume_bar_mc._xscale = volume_level; volume_mc.volume_bar_mc._xscale = volume_level; trace("autoresumed " + start_track + "," + start_time); autoresumed = true; _root.autoplay = "true"; _root.autoload = "true"; songClick = 1; } } if (!start_track) { start_track = 1; } else { songClick = 1; } if (!volume_level) { volume_level = 100; } if (!buffer) { buffer = 5; } if (timedisplay<1 or timedisplay>4) { timedisplay = 1; } if (timedisplay == 1) { timeClick = 1; timedisplay = 2; } track_index = start_track-1; playlist_xml = new XML(); playlist_xml.ignoreWhite = true; playlist_xml.onLoad = playlistLoaded; } //variables initialization playlist_array = []; playlist_mc.track_count = 0; pause_position = 0; mouseListener = new Object(); imageloadMC._visible = false; settings_mc.info_btn._visible = false; settings_mc.buy_btn._visible = false; time_mc._visible = false; var makeConn_nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); makeConn_nc.connect(null); var net_ns:NetStream = new NetStream(makeConn_nc); net_ns.setBufferTime(buffer); net_ns.onMetaData = function(obj) { totalTime = obj.duration; }; this.createEmptyMovieClip("vidsnd", 0); vidsnd.attachAudio(net_ns); vidaudio = new Sound(vidsnd); video_mc.attachVideo(net_ns); mysound = new Sound(this); xmlData = new XML(); xmlData.ignoreWhite = true; xmlData.onLoad = loadimage; playlist_listener = new Object(); playlist_list.addEventListener("change", playlist_listener); //play_btn.onPress = playTrack; //functions //xml parser function playlistLoaded(success) { if (success) { type = ""; var root_node = this.firstChild; for (var node = root_node.firstChild; node != null; node=node.nextSibling) { if (node.nodeName == "trackList") { //tracks var tracks_array = []; for (var track_node = node.firstChild; track_node != null; track_node=track_node.nextSibling) { var track_obj = new Object(); //track attributes for (var track_child = track_node.firstChild; track_child != null; track_child=track_child.nextSibling) { if (track_child.nodeName == "location") { track_obj.location = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue; } if (track_child.nodeName == "image") { track_obj.image = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue; } if (track_child.nodeName == "creator") { track_obj.creator = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue; } if (track_child.nodeName == "title") { track_obj.title = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue; } if (track_child.nodeName == "annotation") { track_obj.annotation = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue; } if (track_child.nodeName == "meta") { track_obj.type = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue; } if (track_child.nodeName == "info" and !infourl) { track_obj.info = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue; } else if (infourl) { track_obj.info = infourl; } if (track_child.nodeName == "purchase") { track_obj.purchase = track_child.firstChild.nodeValue; } } if (!track_obj.image && main_image) { track_obj.image = main_image; } if (!track_obj.info && infourl) { track_obj.info; } track_obj.label = ""; if (track_obj.title) { if (track_obj.creator) { track_obj.label += track_obj.creator+' - '; } track_obj.label += track_obj.title; } else if (track_obj.creator) { track_obj.label += track_obj.creator; } else if (track_obj.annotation) { track_obj.label += track_obj.annotation; } else { track_obj.label += " - "; } tracks_array.push(track_obj); } } } if (alphabetize == 1 || alphabetize == "true" || alphabetize == true) { tracks_array.sortOn(["label"], 17); } for (i=0; itrack_display_mc.mask_mc._width) { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle; } else { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null; track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0; } } } else { annotation_txt.text = "Error opening "+playlist_url; } } function loadimage(loaded) { if (loaded) { XMLimageURL = this.firstChild.childNodes[1].childNodes[3].childNodes[2].firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue; if (XMLimageURL) { cover_mc.content_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("photo", track_index); cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].loadMovie(XMLimageURL); imageloadMC._visible = false; } else { imageloadMC.text = "NO IMAGE"; imageloadMC._visible = true; } } } playlist_listener.change = function(eventObject) { annotation_txt.text = playlist_list.selectedItem.annotation; location_txt.text = playlist_list.selectedItem.location; }; function mediaCheck() { if (timedisplay) { clearInterval(timeInterval); time_mc.time_txt.text = "0:00"; } if (shuffle == 1 and repeat != 1 and songClick != 1) { track_index = random(playlist_mc.track_count); } if (playlist_array[track_index].type) { if (playlist_array[track_index].type == "audio") { loadTrack(); } else if (playlist_array[track_index].type == "video") { loadVideo(); } else if (playlist_array[track_index].type == "playlist") { mysound.stop(); mysound.start(); mysound.stop(); net_ns.close(); video_mc.clear(); playlist_url = playlist_array[track_index].location; for (i=0; itrack_display_mc.mask_mc._width) { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle; } else { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null; track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0; } cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].removeMovieClip(); imageloadMC.text = "LOADING"; imageloadMC._visible = true; play_mc.gotoAndStop(2); //image from playlist if (playlist_array[track_index].info != undefined) { settings_mc.info_btn._visible = true; settings_mc.info_btn.onPress = function() { getURL(playlist_array[track_index].info, "_blank"); }; } else { settings_mc.info_btn._visible = false; } if (playlist_array[track_index].purchase != undefined) { settings_mc.buy_btn._visible = true; settings_mc.buy_btn.onPress = function() { getURL(playlist_array[track_index].purchase, "_blank"); }; } else { settings_mc.buy_btn._visible = false; } //Connect to Video instance net_ns.play(playlist_array[track_index].location); if (timedisplay) { timeInterval = setInterval(timeDisplay, 200); } // TBB if (autoresume) { trace("Setting resume interval"); clearInterval(resumeInterval); resumeInterval = setInterval(resumeCheck, 100); } if (statsurl) { sendstats(); } _root.onEnterFrame = function() { video_mc._alpha += (100-video_mc._alpha)/3; ns_sound.setVolume(this.volume_level); track_display_mc.loader_mc.load_bar_mc._xscale = load_percent; if (playin) { var time_percent = (net_ns.time/totalTime)*100; track_display_mc.loader_mc.time_bar_mc.time_count._xscale = time_percent; } if (totalTime 0) { jumpToTime(start_time); start_time = 0; } } function loadTrack() { play_type = 1; net_ns.close(); mysound.stop(); mysound.start(); mysound.stop(); songClick = 0; playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+track_index+"_mc"].bg_mc.gotoAndStop(2); start_btn_mc.start_btn._visible = false; track_display_mc.display_txt.text = playlist_array[track_index].label; if (track_display_mc.display_txt._width>track_display_mc.mask_mc._width) { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle; } else { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null; track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0; } cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].removeMovieClip(); // TBB: when you start loading a streaming sound it starts playing, period. You can't // have playback start paused. Solution: kill the volume until after the seek. if (start_time > 0) { mysound.setVolume(0); } mysound.loadSound(playlist_array[track_index].location, true); imageloadMC.text = "LOADING"; imageloadMC._visible = true; play_mc.gotoAndStop(2); //image from playlist if (playlist_array[track_index].image != undefined) { cover_mc.content_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("photo", track_index); cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].loadMovie(playlist_array[track_index].image); } else { xmlData.load("http://webservices.amazon.com/onca/xml?Service=AWSECommerceService&Operation=ItemSearch&AWSAccessKeyId=0FHVSFEH0JNK8XSM7382&SearchIndex=Music&Artist="+playlist_array[track_index].creator+"&ResponseGroup=Images"); } if (playlist_array[track_index].info != undefined) { settings_mc.info_btn._visible = true; settings_mc.info_btn.onPress = cover_mc.content_mc.onPress=function () { getURL(playlist_array[track_index].info, "_blank"); }; } else { settings_mc.info_btn._visible = false; } if (playlist_array[track_index].purchase != undefined) { settings_mc.buy_btn._visible = true; settings_mc.buy_btn.onPress = function() { getURL(playlist_array[track_index].purchase, "_blank"); }; } else { settings_mc.buy_btn._visible = false; } if (timedisplay) { timeInterval = setInterval(timeDisplay, 200); } // TBB if (autoresume) { trace("Setting resume interval"); clearInterval(resumeInterval); resumeInterval = setInterval(resumeCheck, 100); } if (statsurl) { sendStats(); } _root.onEnterFrame = function() { video_mc._alpha -= (video_mc._alpha)/3; if (video_mc._alpha<1) { video_mc.clear(); } // TBB: we don't do this while waiting for the initial seek of a resume operation // because it would play sound from the wrong part of the song if (!start_time) { mysound.setVolume(this.volume_level); } var load_percent = (mysound.getBytesLoaded()/mysound.getBytesTotal())*100; track_display_mc.loader_mc.load_bar_mc._xscale = load_percent; var time_percent = (mysound.position/mysound.duration)*100; track_display_mc.loader_mc.time_bar_mc.time_count._xscale = time_percent; var image_load_percent = (cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].getBytesLoaded()/cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].getBytesTotal())*100; cover_mc.load_bar_mc._yscale = image_load_percent; if ((cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].getBytesLoaded()>4) && (image_load_percent == 100)) { //image loaded //make image fit imageloadMC._visible = false; cover_mc.content_mc["photo"]._width = cover_mc.load_bar_mc._width; cover_mc.content_mc["photo"]._height = cover_mc.load_bar_mc._height; } }; // TBB if (start_time > 0) { jumpToTime(start_time); start_time = 0; } } settings_mc.info_btn.onRollOver = function() { holderText = track_display_mc.display_txt.text; track_display_mc.display_txt.text = "get info"; }; settings_mc.buy_btn.onRollOver = function() { holderText = track_display_mc.display_txt.text; track_display_mc.display_txt.text = "purchase"; }; settings_mc.shuffle_btn.onRollOver = function() { holderText = track_display_mc.display_txt.text; track_display_mc.display_txt.text = "shuffle"; }; settings_mc.repeat_btn.onRollOver = function() { holderText = track_display_mc.display_txt.text; track_display_mc.display_txt.text = "repeat"; }; settings_mc.repeat_btn.onRollOut = settings_mc.shuffle_btn.onRollOut=settings_mc.info_btn.onRollOut=settings_mc.buy_btn.onRollOver=function () { track_display_mc.display_txt.text = holderText; }; buttons_mc.stop_btn.onRelease = stopTrack; play_mc.play_btn.onRelease = playTrack; buttons_mc.next_btn.onRelease = nextTrack; buttons_mc.prev_btn.onRelease = prevTrack; settings_mc.shuffle_btn.onRelease = shuffleClick; settings_mc.repeat_btn.onRelease = repeatClick; if (no_continue != 1 && no_continue != true && no_continue != "true") { mysound.onSoundComplete = nextTrack; } track_display_mc.loader_mc.time_bar_mc.useHandCursor = false; track_display_mc.loader_mc.time_bar_mc.onPress = timeChange; track_display_mc.loader_mc.time_bar_mc.onRelease = track_display_mc.loader_mc.time_bar_mc.onReleaseOutside=function () { this._parent.onMouseMove = this._parent.onMouseUp=null; }; volume_mc.volume_btn.useHandCursor = false; volume_mc.volume_btn.onPress = volumeChange; volume_mc.volume_btn.onRelease = volume_mc.volume_btn.onReleaseOutside=function () { this._parent.onMouseMove = null; }; // TBB: part of autoresume logic resume_time = 0; function jumpToTimeAgain() { clearInterval(jumpToTimeInterval); jumpToTime(resume_time); } function jumpToTime(when) { if (play_mc._currentframe == 2) { if (play_type == 1) { if (mysound.duration == 0) { // We're not ready yet. Allow time for the headers of the // MP3 to be reopened resume_time = when; jumpToTimeInterval = setInterval(jumpToTimeAgain, 100); return; } // Often appears to be zero but the jump works fine // total = mysound.duration / 1000; // if (when > total) { // when = total; // } mysound.start(when); mysound.setVolume(this.volume_level); } else if (play_type == 2) { total = totalTime; if (when > total) { when = total; } net_ns.seek(when); } } else { } track_display_mc.loader_mc.time_bar_mc.time_count._xscale = ((when / mysound.duration) * 1000) * 100; } function timeChange() { if (play_mc._currentframe == 2) { if (play_type == 1) { var percent = (this._parent._xmouse/this._width); // TBB: just noticing that it's called a percentage here but it's really a proportion (0.0-1.0). if (percent>100) { percent = 100; } if (percent<0) { percent = 0; } timePlace = (mysound.duration*percent)/1000; mysound.start(timePlace); this._parent.onMouseMove = function() { var percent = (this._parent._xmouse/this._width); if (percent>100) { percent = 100; } if (percent<0) { percent = 0; } timePlace = (mysound.duration*percent)/1000; mysound.start(timePlace); }; } else if (play_type == 2) { playin = 0; net_ns.pause(true); var percent = (this._parent._xmouse/this._width); // TBB: just noticing that it's called a percentage here but it's really a proportion (0.0-1.0). if (percent>100) { percent = 100; } if (percent<0) { percent = 0; } track_display_mc.loader_mc.time_bar_mc.time_count._xscale = percent*100; timePlace = (totalTime*percent); this._parent.onMouseMove = function() { playin = 0; net_ns.pause(true); var percent = (this._parent._xmouse/this._width); if (percent>100) { percent = 100; } if (percent<0) { percent = 0; } track_display_mc.loader_mc.time_bar_mc.time_count._xscale = percent*100; timePlace = (totalTime*percent); }; this._parent.onMouseUp = function() { net_ns.seek(timePlace); net_ns.pause(false); playin = 1; }; } } } function volumeChange() { this._parent.onMouseMove = function() { var percent = (this._xmouse/this._width)*100; if (percent>100) { percent = 100; } if (percent<0) { percent = 0; } this.volume_bar_mc._xscale = percent; this._parent.volume_level = percent; mysound.setVolume(percent); vidaudio.setVolume(percent); }; } seenResume = false; function resumeCheck() { // TBB: there is no reliable "atexit" - like feature in Flash, // so we have to make a note of our position often if autoresume // is going to work. This is cheap because Flash doesn't actually // write the shared ojbect to disk relentlessly - it does that // on exit. if (autoresume) { local_data.data.playlist_url = playlist_url; local_data.data.song_url = song_url; local_data.data.stop_track = track_index + 1; var when; if (play_type == 1) { when = mysound.position / 1000; } else if (play_type == 2) { when = net_ns.time; } local_data.data.stop_time = when; local_data.data.volume_level = volume_level; when = new Date(); local_data.data.stopped_at = when.getTime(); local_data.data.is_set = true; if (!seenResume) { seenResume = true; } } } function timeDisplay() { if (timedisplay == 2) { //countup if (play_type == 1) { time = mysound.position/1000; } if (play_type == 2) { time = net_ns.time; } } else if (timedisplay == 3) { //countdown if (play_type == 1) { time = (mysound.duration-mysound.position)/1000; } if (play_type == 2) { time = (totalTime-net_ns.time); } } else if (timedisplay == 4) { //total time if (play_type == 1) { time = mysound.duration/1000; } if (play_type == 2) { time = totalTime; } } else { min = "0"; sec = "00"; } min = Math.floor(time/60); sec = Math.floor(time%60); sec = (sec<10) ? "0"+sec : sec; time_mc.time_txt.text = min+":"+sec; } function sendStats() { trace("sent..."); playSong = playlist_array[track_index].sendinfo; annotation = playlist_array[track_index].annotation; loadVariables(statsurl, this, "POST"); this.onData = function() { trace(output); trace("recieved!"); }; } function stopTrack() { // TBB if (autoresume) { clearInterval(resumeInterval); local_data.data.stopped = true; } net_ns.pause(true); net_ns.seek(0); mysound.stop(); play_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mysound.stop(); mysound.start(); mysound.stop(); _root.pause_position = 0; if (timedisplay) { clearInterval(timeInterval); time_mc.time_txt.text = "0:00"; } } function playTrack() { if (play_mc._currentframe == 1) { //play // TBB if (autoresume) { local_data.data.paused = false; local_data.data.stopped = false; } if (play_type == 1) { mysound.stop(); mysound.start(int((pause_position)/1000), 1); } else if (play_type == 2) { net_ns.pause(false); } play_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (timedisplay) { timeInterval = setInterval(timeDisplay, 200); } if (autoresume) { alert("setting resumeCheck"); resumeInterval = setInterval(resumeCheck, 100); } } else if (play_mc._currentframe == 2) { if (play_type == 1) { pause_position = mysound.position; mysound.stop(); // TBB if (autoresume) { local_data.data.paused = true; local_data.data.pause_position = pause_position; } } else if (play_type == 2) { net_ns.pause(true); // TBB if (autoresume) { local_data.data.paused = true; // Be consistent, always store this in milliseconds local_data.data.pause_position = net_ns.time * 1000; } } play_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } } // TBB: cleaned this up, fixed bugs function nextTrack() { playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+track_index+"_mc"].bg_mc.gotoAndStop(1); var at_end = false; if (shuffle != 1) { if (track_index0) { track_index--; } } last_track_index = track_index; playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+track_index+"_mc"].bg_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mediaCheck(); } function scrollTitle() { track_display_mc.display_txt._x -= 5; if (track_display_mc.display_txt._x+track_display_mc.display_txt._width<0) { track_display_mc.display_txt._x = track_display_mc.mask_mc._width; } } function resizeUI() { bg_mc._width = Stage.width; track_display_mc.loader_mc._width = Stage.width-track_display_mc._x-3; if (timedisplay) { track_display_mc.mask_mc._width = track_display_mc.loader_mc._width-53; } else { track_display_mc.mask_mc._width = track_display_mc.loader_mc._width-26; } if (track_display_mc.display_txt._width>track_display_mc.mask_mc._width) { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle; } else { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null; track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0; } volume_mc._x = Stage.width-22; start_btn_mc._xscale = Stage.width; //playlist area tinier than the album cover if (Stage.width<2.5*cover_mc._width) { // if (Stage.height>2.5*cover_mc._height) { //send album cover to bottom cover_mc._y = Stage.height-cover_mc._height-2-info_mc._height-2; info_mc._y = Stage.height-info_mc._height-2; var covervisible = 1; } else { var covervisible = 0; //hide album cover cover_mc._y = Stage.height; } //send playlist to left playlist_mc._x = cover_mc._x; scrollbar_mc.bg_mc._height = Stage.height-(19+(cover_mc._height+info_mc._height+4)*covervisible); playlist_mc.bg_mc._height = Stage.height-(19+(cover_mc._height+info_mc._height+4)*covervisible); playlist_mc.mask_mc._height = Stage.height-(23+(cover_mc._height+info_mc._height+4)*covervisible); } else { cover_mc._y = 17; info_mc._y = 153; playlist_mc._x = 138; scrollbar_mc.bg_mc._height = Stage.height-19; //-18 for bottom space playlist_mc.bg_mc._height = Stage.height-19; playlist_mc.mask_mc._height = Stage.height-23; } scrollbar_mc._x = Stage.width-12; playlist_mc.mask_mc._width = Stage.width-(playlist_mc._x+19); playlist_mc.bg_mc._width = Stage.width-(playlist_mc._x+14); settings_mc._y = Stage.height-42; time_mc._x = Stage.width-52; update._x = Stage.width-32; update._y = Stage.height-32; } function addTrack(track_label) { playlist_mc.tracks_mc.attachMovie("track_item", "track_"+playlist_mc.track_count+"_mc", playlist_mc.track_count); playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+playlist_mc.track_count+"_mc"]._y += playlist_mc.track_count*14; playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+playlist_mc.track_count+"_mc"].display_txt.autoSize = "left"; playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+playlist_mc.track_count+"_mc"].display_txt.text = track_label; playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+playlist_mc.track_count+"_mc"].bg_mc.index = playlist_mc.track_count; playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+playlist_mc.track_count+"_mc"].bg_mc.select_btn.onPress = function() { playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+track_index+"_mc"].bg_mc.gotoAndStop(1); last_track_index = track_index; playlist_mc.tracks_mc["track_"+track_index+"_mc"].bg_mc.gotoAndStop(1); track_index = this._parent.index; songClick = 1; mediaCheck(); }; playlist_mc.track_count++; } //scroll mouseListener.onMouseWheel = function(wheel) { scrollbar_mc.v = (wheel/-3); scrollTracks(); }; scrollbar_mc.up_btn.onPress = function() { this._parent.v = -1; this._parent.onEnterFrame = scrollTracks; }; scrollbar_mc.down_btn.onPress = function() { this._parent.v = 1; this._parent.onEnterFrame = scrollTracks; }; scrollbar_mc.up_btn.onRelease = scrollbar_mc.down_btn.onRelease=function () { this._parent.onEnterFrame = null; }; scrollbar_mc.handler_mc.drag_btn.onPress = function() { var scroll_top_limit = 19; var scroll_bottom_limit = scrollbar_mc.bg_mc._height-scrollbar_mc.handler_mc._height-2; this._parent.startDrag(false, this._parent._x, scroll_top_limit, this._parent._x, scroll_bottom_limit); this._parent.isdragging = true; this._parent.onEnterFrame = scrollTracks; }; scrollbar_mc.handler_mc.drag_btn.onRelease = scrollbar_mc.handler_mc.drag_btn.onReleaseOutside=function () { stopDrag(); this._parent.isdragging = false; this._parent.onEnterFrame = null; }; function scrollTracks() { var scroll_top_limit = 19; var scroll_bottom_limit = scrollbar_mc.bg_mc._height-scrollbar_mc.handler_mc._height-2; var list_bottom_limit = 1; var list_top_limit = (1-Math.round(playlist_mc.tracks_mc._height))+Math.floor(playlist_mc.mask_mc._height/14)*14; if (playlist_mc.tracks_mc._height>playlist_mc.mask_mc._height) { if (scrollbar_mc.handler_mc.isdragging) { var percent = (scrollbar_mc.handler_mc._y-scroll_top_limit)/(scroll_bottom_limit-scroll_top_limit); playlist_mc.tracks_mc._y = (list_top_limit-list_bottom_limit)*percent+list_bottom_limit; } else { if (scrollbar_mc.v == -1) { if (playlist_mc.tracks_mc._y+14list_top_limit) { playlist_mc.tracks_mc._y -= 14; } else { playlist_mc.tracks_mc._y = list_top_limit; } var percent = (playlist_mc.tracks_mc._y-1)/(list_top_limit-1); scrollbar_mc.handler_mc._y = percent*(scroll_bottom_limit-scroll_top_limit)+scroll_top_limit; } } } } function shuffleClick() { if (settings_mc.shuffle_btn._currentframe == 1) { shuffle = 0; settings_mc.shuffle_btn.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (settings_mc.shuffle_btn._currentframe == 2) { shuffle = 1; settings_mc.shuffle_btn.gotoAndStop(1); } } function repeatClick() { if (settings_mc.repeat_btn._currentframe == 1) { repeat = 0; settings_mc.repeat_btn.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (settings_mc.repeat_btn._currentframe == 2) { repeat = 1; settings_mc.repeat_btn.gotoAndStop(1); } } start_btn_mc.start_btn.onPress = function() { if (loaded == 1) { Autoplay(); } }; function Autoplay() { autoplay = 1; loadPlaylist(); } function loadPlaylist() { if (_root.playlistLoaded != true) { track_display_mc.display_txt.text = LOADING_PLAYLIST_MSG; if (track_display_mc.display_txt._width>track_display_mc.mask_mc._width) { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle; } else { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null; track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0; } //playlist if (playlist_url) { playlist_xml.load(unescape(playlist_url)); } else { //single track playlist_xml.parseXML(single_music_playlist); playlist_xml.onLoad(true); } _root.playlistLoaded = true; } else { mediaCheck(); } } //first click - load playlist //main Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; Stage.align = "LT"; this.onResize = resizeUI; Stage.addListener(this); Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); if (!player_title) { player_title = DEFAULT_WELCOME_MSG; } track_display_mc.display_txt.text = player_title; track_display_mc.display_txt.autoSize = "left"; if (track_display_mc.display_txt._width>track_display_mc.mask_mc._width) { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = scrollTitle; } else { track_display_mc.onEnterFrame = null; track_display_mc.display_txt._x = 0; } function fillOther() { track_display_mc.display_txt.text = player_title; if (timedisplay) { time_mc._visible = true; time_mc.time_txt.text = "0:00"; if (timeClick) { time_mc.useHandCursor = false; time_mc.onRelease = function() { if (timedisplay<4) { timedisplay++; } else { timedisplay = 2; } }; } } if (_root.setup) { loadVariables("http://geekkid.net/jukebox/version.txt?"+Math.random(), this); update.onEnterFrame = function() { if (version) { if (version>_root.playerVersion) { this._visible = true; this.onPress = function() { getURL("http://geekkid.net/jukebox/"); }; } delete update.onEnterFrame; } }; } //start to play automatically if parameter autoplay is present if (_root.autoplay == "true" || _root.autoplay == 1 || _root.autoplay == true) { Autoplay(); } else if (_root.autoload == "true" || _root.autoload == 1 || _root.autoload == true) { loadPlaylist(); } } //load image function firstImage() { if (image && !(autoplay == 1 || autoplay == "true" || _root.autoplay == true)) { imageloadMC.text = "LOADING"; imageloadMC._visible = true; //image from playlist cover_mc.content_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("photo", this.getNextHighestDepth()); cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].loadMovie(image); cover_mc.onEnterFrame = function() { var image_load_percent = (cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].getBytesLoaded()/cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].getBytesTotal())*100; cover_mc.load_bar_mc._yscale = image_load_percent; if ((cover_mc.content_mc["photo"].getBytesLoaded()>4) && (image_load_percent == 100)) { //image loaded //make image fit imageloadMC._visible = false; cover_mc.content_mc["photo"]._width = cover_mc.load_bar_mc._width; cover_mc.content_mc["photo"]._height = cover_mc.load_bar_mc._height; delete cover_mc.onEnterFrame; } }; } } //customized menu var my_cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu(); my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Play-", playTrack)); my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Stop", stopTrack)); my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Next", nextTrack)); my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Previous", prevTrack)); my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("About...", function () { getURL(mainurl, "_blank"); }, true)); my_cm.hideBuiltInItems(); this.menu = my_cm; resizeUI(); firstImage(); if (loadurl) { track_display_mc.display_txt.text = "Loading..."; loadVariables(loadurl, _root); this.onEnterFrame = function() { if (loaded == 1 || getTimer()>3000) { loaded = 1; playerLoad(); this.onEnterFrame = null; } }; } else { trace("noload"); loaded = 1; playerLoad(); }